Dear friends,
I am posting this on behalf of a fellow bereaved mother whose son was murdered.
Support Cameron's Law is designed to bring awareness to, and get a bill passed into law that forces witness's of child abuse to report it.
This is the bill that my daughter wrote and we are sending to the Senate and the President :
Sponsor............Christianna Harris
Short Title: Cameron's Law
October 16, 2013
TO: Require that any time child abuse is suspected or witnessed by any citizen or non citizen
Today I met a Heather, a grieving mother online and she told me her son was murdered. My heart went all out for her and asked if I could help her in anyway. She has a page is trying to get as many likes on the page as possible to try and get this law passed..
I chatted with her sister Chavelle to piece the story.
In 2008, 6 years old Cameron Palmer was in the care of his 49 year Old Grand Uncle. Tony Gonsoulin, has been arrested and charged with child abuse and murder after abusing his six year old nephew to death. Tony is imprisoned for 20 years.
Police interviewed Richard D'Ginto, a
neighbor who witnessed the boy being dunked from over a dividing fence.
The neighbor told police he saw Gonsoulin submerge the Cameron
underwater for 20 to 30 seconds at a time, while shouting at the boy.
"The man held him under water and he'd tell the boy, 'You do what I tell you and stuff like that,'" D'Ginto said.
The bill will mean Richard D'Ginto, a neighbor who witnessed the boy being dunked from over a dividing fence will have to report the offense.
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