I am euphoric. Nostalgia is surging through me. I found an old classmate I went to school with, Robert Lai.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge. I now use the name Ann that Dad used for my Roman Catholic Baptism. Many of my classmates would not know who Ann Chin is , as Chin is my married name.
I told the water engineer that perhaps I should revert back to my madam name when my books make me famous. LOL. My name in school was Chan Kit Suet, Kit Suet is translated as Puresnow. This is the name I use in many of the writer's website. For my professional name, I use all my names: Ann Kit Suet Chin Chan, a mouthful.
This photo was taken when I was 14, Elizabeth took it for her photography club practice. The photos then were B & W. Someone yesterday, mentioned about the teacher in charge of the photography club, Mr. Ho Kah Hang.
This photo was taken at Buloh Road, a class 3 Government quarter. You can see a sneak view of the neighbouring house which is identical to ours. The house has stilts. I sent this pix to my pen pal in England, and she noticed the stilts. We had floods every year. The plants behind me is sugar cane.
You can also see my big feet. My late aunty Anna asked why I was wearing such big shoes. I wrote in my "From China to Borneo to Beyond" about my big feet, size 8 to be exact, and my daughters size 10. My Hakka ancestral mothers didn't bound their feet. We were poor and they match to war. You will read that in James Michener's "Hawaii."
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