Thursday, August 6, 2015

The North Borneo Orchid, Mum and Dad, 6th August 2015

Today I resigned my job to devote more time to my writing. You gave me this North Borneo Orchid plant. I like to tell you my connections with this plant. The North Borneo orchid plant is a special plant of my family. Dad and Mum grew it when we were kids, and it was very hard to grow. We had good memories.

This was Dad's favourite flower. It gives me warm fuzzy feeling every time I see this flower. Dad used to grow this from little saplings from North Borneo. They didn't bloom as frequently as the hybrids grown these days.

Mom and Dad use a toothbrush and soapy water and carefully removing the aphids. Seeing them  doing together it on one plant warmed our heart. It was truly a symbol of their love for each other.

Mom and Dad were not child hood sweet hearts. They did not even know each other when they married. They had met only once and were chaperoned. It was during World War 2. Their parents had to get them married, so Mom won't be taken by the Japanese to be their sex slave, and Dad to be conscripted to their army.

Yesterday, 6th August was the anniversary of the first atomic bomb that was dropped in Japan. It was the beginning of the end of the war. It was a sentimental date for me.

My next book is a war time story.



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