Saturday, October 11, 2014

75th anniversary of fleeing China to New Zealand.

Seventy five years ago, 239 women and 244 children fled the brutal Japanese invasion of Canton and made their way to New Zealand; marking the beginning Chinese family settlement in Aotearoa (New Zealand)

My ancestors came from Quang Ning is Kwong Tung Province, and at the time these refugees set sail to New Zealand, my people had left as a sort of refugee to Borneo.

Today, I joined my friend Helen Wong and her family and I felt very comfortable among them in their celebration. I note the success of these refugees and children and grandchildren of the refugees.

The Chinese have always been working hard, and going about quietly in the market garden,s fruit and vegetable shops and laundry shops. I think how I have borrowed one of them "Kim" and "Ah Fook"in my book Cry of Oppressed Women.

Today is the second time I have been referred to as a compatriot.Niu Qingbai, the Consul-General of the People's China in Auckland referred me as his compatriot. Exactly one year ago, My people, the Quang Ning organisers of my book launch addressed me as compatriot.

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