This used to be a simple children song. When we were in Grandpa Kong's house playing his gramaphone singing the first line of the lyrics.
Whether there was a directive, Father told us not to sing this song which is a song of longing for home. The Government deems anyone singing this song as to be a Communist. Home, the Government says home is Malaysia. We should not be singing about longing for China our home.
Zhou En Lai in 1955 in the Bandung Conference change the stance of China’s traditional thinking. He told the overseas Chinese to be citizens of their host country or return home.
朵朵白云飞向我的故乡 青山重重歌声了亮
看那天边美丽的朝霞 歌唱我的故乡
朵朵白云飞向我的故乡 江上风光绿波荡漾
看那天边美丽的朝霞 歌唱我的故乡
杨柳青青风和日丽 燕于飞过短墙 百花齐放
鸟语花香 蝴蝶飘飘飞扬
朵朵白云飞向我的故乡 原野苍翠一片麦浪
看那天边美丽的朝霞 歌唱我的故乡
I loved listening to it.